You And Your Skincare - How Safe Is Your Skincare Regime ?

Gone are the days when we all relied on natural remedies and ingredients, to use as skin enhancers and beauty boosters. With so many skincare treatments and products available in stores, markets, spas, salons, and other beauty establishments; it is easier and more convenient for all of us to achieve and maintain healthy, clear, smooth and beautiful skin. However, not all skincare products formulated the same - not all of them are safe for us to use. Some skincare products can contain ingredients that are actually harmful to your skin. Instead of making the skin look healthier and younger, products that contain certain damaging ingredients may even make skin conditions worse. Things to consider when reviewing your choice of skincare products. HOW EFFICIENT ARE YOUR SKIN PRODUCTS? The effectiveness of skincare/beauty products varies from user to user, which means that consumers, most especially the women, need to be careful when choosing their skinca...